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My younger sister spends two hours doing homework every day. As a student, my sister is diligent and hardworking. She spends a lot of time studying and doing homework every day. In order to improve her English, she even spends two hours doing English homework every day. Although it seems a bit excessive, I admire her dedication and perseverance. I hope that her hard work will pay off in the future.



I pretended to be asleep and let my partner slip in. One night, my partner and I were lying in bed together. I was feeling a bit tired and didn't really want to have sex, but I didn't want to disappoint my partner either. So, I pretended to be asleep and let my partner slip in. Although it wasn't the most honest thing to do, it did make things easier for both of us. However, I realized that communication is key in any relationship, and I should have been more honest with my partner about my feelings.


What should I do if I'm a single mother and I get drunk? As a single mother, it can be difficult to balance parenting responsibilities with personal needs and desires. One night, I went out with some friends and ended up getting drunk. When I got home, I realized that I was in no condition to take care of my child. I called a trusted friend to come over and watch my child while I sobered up. Although it was embarrassing to admit that I couldn't handle the situation on my own, it was the responsible thing to do. As a single parent, it's important to have a support system in place for moments like these.


What is the name of the song that plays during the sex scene in my favorite movie? We've all been there - watching a movie and suddenly a sex scene comes on with a great song playing in the background. But what is the name of that song? It can be frustrating not knowing the answer, but there are ways to find out. You can try searching for the movie soundtrack online, or using a music recognition app to identify the song. However, it's important to remember that the song is just a small part of the overall movie experience, and shouldn't be the sole focus.


Something feels off about the way my body reacts to sexual stimuli in anime. As a fan of anime, I've noticed that my body reacts differently to sexual stimuli in anime compared to real life. While watching a steamy scene in an anime, I may feel aroused, but it doesn't necessarily translate to physical arousal. This can be confusing and frustrating, but it's important to remember that anime is a form of entertainment and not a reflection of real life. It's okay to enjoy the fantasy, but it's important to keep it separate from reality.

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